Join us in honoring the legacy of Transgender Day of Visibility through a month filled of community events, panels, trainings and joyful celebrations!

These events are free and open to all Trans* community members and their allies.

This Trans Month, Please Consider Donating to our QT*POC Direct Aid Fund

Stonewall Alliance QT*POC Direct Aid Fund is meant to provide assistance to those who have been most impacted by institutional violence and racism including those who are Black, Brown, Indigenous, Trans*, non-binary, undocumented, Two-Spirit, asylum-seeking, and sex workers in Butte County and surrounding areas.

Queer and Trans* People of Color (QT*POC) have long been at the forefront of the fight for rights, justice, and dignity across our communities and across the world. The very movement we call Pride, is a movement that was fought for by Black and Brown, Trans* and Queer People of Color who stood up to institutional violence. And yet, queer and trans* Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color face the most barriers to accessing services and care. 

We will provide funds as available, and in relation to the other requests received based on urgency, and amount of requests. We hope to provide one-time assistance for something you are needing right away, and may or may not be able to cover larger costs.

YOUR Name, YouR choICE.


Are you interested in legally changing your name and/or gender? Or are you curious about the process? If you’re saying yes to the questions above, or have additional questions about the process, come to the Legal Name & Gender Marker Change Clinic on April 5th, from 6-7pm on Zoom.


Meeting ID: 848 4340 1311

Marin Hambley, Stonewall Chico’s Advocacy Coordinator, will lead this practical workshop on how to formally change your name and gender marker on legal documents. They will walk attendees through the process step-by-step, explain how to keep the cost minimal, and answer questions.

To learn more about what the Name Change process and how Stonewall Chico helps, visit the page on our website about it here.

Get Vaccinated! Get Boosted!


Stonewall Chico is partnering with Butte County Public Health and Enloe to provide a free Afternoon Vaccination Clinic!

The clinic will be on April 6th at the Stonewall Office and will run from 4-6pm!

Rights, rights! Hear about ‘em!


Know Your Rights: Beings Trans in CA, is an interactive in-person workshop that will outline the key constitutional rights your have when interacting with law enforcement, healthcare and educational systems. Together, we will explore issues such as searches and privacy, Miranda Rights, Title IX, how to push back against transphobic legislation and the rights of people in police custody.

This workshop is for Trans folks who want to know their rights and for their allies who want to support in solidarity.

Questions? Let’s Chat.


It can be hard searching for answers to questions like: “how can I support a loved one who is transgender and showing signs of a mental health issue?” or “I need gender affirming surgery, how do I start this process?” In order to support our Transgender community and their allies, Stonewall Chico is excited to offer a virtual Q&A Panel and Discussion filled with a team of experts who are equipped with the right level expertise to answer these life-saving questions.

This event is for anyone who has questions about healthcare, resources and advocacy!

The event was hosted live. Click here to access the recording with the question timestamps.


Sing, pose & eat some cereal!


In celebration of Trans Month, Stonewall Chico is excited to host an Open House for our Trans Teen Social group! Come prepared with a list of your favorite karaoke songs, a mask, and be "photo ready" for our photo booth! This event is exclusively for all trans, nonbinary & gender-expansive folks ages 13-18!


It’s Craft Time Folks!


Come get crafty with us on April 22th! Stonewall Chico will be hosting a craft night at Stoble Coffee from 5-8pm in Downtown Chico. This is a free event that is open to the public but we are accepting donations at the door. Join us for an evening of origami, affirmation mirror decorating, painting laser cut signs and more! Many thanks to our supporting artists and collaborators: Erin Wade, Siana Sonoquie, Butte College & Stoble Coffee!

Diversity and Inclusion Best Practices in Healthcare


Discover how to be the most inclusive health professional you can be! Learn to create an inclusive and safe space for all your patients or clients and discover different resources and referral programs for LGBTQ+ individuals and services that are offered in Butte Counties. All healthcare providers and educators are welcomed to join us on April 26, 12 noon via zoom.